seminar results
International Easter Workshop #Feel Free
From April 1st to 8th, 2023, young people from Germany, Belgium, Slovenia, and Croatia came together at the wannseeFORUM to participate in the International Easter Workshop. For one week, with great enthusiasm and creativity, they worked on music, photography, painting, and video workshops under the theme “#FeelFree” and created exciting projects. But that’s not all…
Invitiation for the online-presentation of this years online youth exchange Berlin – Holon (Israel) 20th April, 11 AM German time/ 12 PM Israeli time
Digital youth exchange – can this work?! – We started this experiment in December last year with a group of motivated young people from Holon and Berlin. Our topic was Past and Present – Here and There – From rememberence to awareness in commemorating the Shoah. Now we are very glad and excited to invite you…
“Roads to Solidarity”: Looking Back at #ISW2019
This year’s International Summer Workshop took place at wannseeFORUM from 20-28 July, bringing together 46 youngsters from Sweden, the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, and Spain for a nine-days youth exchange of artistic workshops, excursions, and friendship and community life. The project was made possible through the generous funding from the EU programme “Erasmus+ YOUTH IN…
“crossover-culture-celebration”: Die Internationale Künstlerische Sommerwerkstatt 2014
Rappende Trachtenbands, Stickkurse auf youtube, urban gardening mit alten Kartoffelsorten – alles zeitgemäße Formen der Erhaltung und Weiterentwicklung von immateriellem Kulturerbe. UNESCO erklärt: “Kulturerbe endet nicht bei Baudenkmälern oder Kulturgutsammlungen. Es umfasst auch Traditionen und lebendige kulturelle Ausdrucksformen, wie z.B. mündlich überlieferte Traditionen, darstellende Künste, gesellschaftliche Gebräuche, Rituale und Feste, Wissen und Praktiken im Umgang…
Internationales Theater- und Tanzprojekt: “Dreiklang”
Mit der Familie oder Freunden in den Urlaub fahren oder einfach nur faulenzen und ausschlafen – das mag für viele junge Leute nach dem perfekten Plan für die Herbstferien klingen. Nicht so für