Civic and Cultural Youth Education at the wannseeFORUM
The “Wannseeheim für Jugendarbeit e.V.” was founded almost 70 years ago. Since the beginning, young people from Berlin and the surrounding area, and later from Europe and all over the world, have met in the villa on Lake Pohlesee – a foothill of the Kleine Wannsee – to get to know different lifestyles in an atmosphere of tolerance and mutual respect and to live democracy in joint project work. In 2011, the association evolved into today’s “WannseeFORUM Foundation”.
Fields of work

Foundation work
The listed country house of the wannseeFORUM Foundation is located directly on Lake Pohlesee, a lake in the Kleine Wannsee chain. It was built in 1906 by order of the banker Carl Joerger. The maintenance and renovation of such a prestigious building, together with its garden, which is also a listed building, for youth work is one of the Foundation’s tasks, which is always a new challenge. Donations are therefore not only welcome, but necessary.

Civic and Cultural Youth Education
As an institution, the wannseeFORUM Foundation is not committed to any particular party or religion or any other interest group and represents fundamental democratic values. We stand for cosmopolitanism, diversity and equal rights for all, regardless of gender, religion, social and cultural background. Our special profile is the combination of political and cultural education. The wannseeFORUM works as a cooperation partner with other institutions at home and abroad. We see ourselves as a reliable partner that implements projects and ideas in committees and together with other institutions and organisations and actively participates in social discourse on current issues.

Conference Venue
Interested groups and institutions can rent our rooms and our conference service. With its listed country house, the coachman’s house and the modern seminar house Atrium, the wannseeFORUM invites its guests to experience seminars and conferences in a special ambience. The extensive lakeside property with its old trees makes it possible to hold discussions in green surroundings and relax from the stresses of everyday life.