German-Israeli exchange

As a result of the further escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 7 October 2023, there are even greater tensions between Jews and Arabs, Israelis and Palestinians. Dealing with the conflict in Germany, however, is often characterised by polarisation and a lack of first-hand knowledge. The ‘Nation and Discrimination’ seminar from 18-26 August 2024 offers young people from Israel and Germany a space for encounters and the opportunity to get to know diverse perspectives on the relationship between Israel, Palestine and Germany.

This year again, the wannseeFORUM Foundation is organising a German-Israeli exchange on the topic of ‘Nation and Discrimination’ together with Sapir College and the Friendship Across Borders association. The seminar is aimed at Jewish Israelis, Palestinians with Israeli citizenship and young people from Germany with and without a history of migration and flight. Our central theme is the diversity of the lives of young people from both countries. Together we will explore our own and our national identities, how they are connected and how discrimination manifests itself in Israel and Germany today. We will work with a variety of dialogue methods, movement, artistic workshops, lectures and excursions. The seminar language is English.

When and where? From 18-26 August 2024 at the wannseeFORUM Foundation Youth Education Centre, Hohenzollernstraße 14, 14109 Berlin

Registration deadline: June 30th, 2024

Contact for more information: Sophia Kimpel kimpel – at –

The seminar is a cooperation project between the wannseeFORUM Foundation, Sapir College and Friendship Across Borders e.V. and is funded by ConAct – Coordination Centre for German-Israeli Youth Exchange and Erasmus+.



