The activities of the wannseeFORUM Foundation are committed to democratic values, in particular the inviolability of human dignity and human rights as enshrined in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations.
We are committed to mutual respect, both in our pedagogical work with children and young people and in our day-to-day dealings with all staff and guests.
What is respect? A big word, an abstract concept that has to be filled in practice through our attitudes and our actions. In 2017, we developed a respect charter for living and learning together at wannseeFORUM – whether in person or, as in 2020/21, increasingly in online formats. It is the basis for good cooperation for all participants who come to wannseeFORUM.
The following respect charter serves as a basic consensus and orientation guide. Download pdf
Complete Charter of respect in english/pdf
Short version: “Respektcharta to go“ in German and English:
What is important to you when it comes to respect? Bring your perspective to the discussion when you participate in seminars and projects here.

photo: International Summerworkshop 2019