Our Profil
Our unique profile consists of a combination of political and cultural youth education.Our seminars are structured to help youth develop the democratic self-confidence that they can use in their ever day lives. We help convey strategies of action for use in daily politics to which young people are open.From the start, it is our goal to help youth take part in the decision-making process within their political, social, and public surroundings.
Dance, theatre, film, photography, new media, and music are not just the means to these ends, but also help to provide opportunities for action. On top of this, everyone enjoys the chance to express themselves artistically and individually.
It is especially helpful to be able to offer our challenging seminars amidst the secluded settings of our beautiful house on Lake Pohlesee. Along with the exclusive atmosphere, we offer a wide array of activities and excellent cuisine.
- International Easter Workshop: Borders & Bridges
- International Easter Workshop #Feel Free
- Invitiation for the online-presentation of this years online youth exchange Berlin – Holon (Israel) 20th April, 11 AM German time/ 12 PM Israeli time
- “Roads to Solidarity”: Looking Back at #ISW2019
- International Easter Workshop: “Roads to Anatevka”
Further information on current seminars can be found on the Seminar offers page.
Fields of Work

Civic Education
Democracy cannot be realized without the participation of citizens in social processes. For this reason, the idea of participation is firmly anchored in the political education department in particular and is reflected in the topics and methods of the seminars. Here, participation events are discussed and the principles and methods of co-determination are practiced. Seminars for student representatives and student sponsors are an integral part of the program. There are also seminars on intensively dealing with socio-political issues.

Cultural Education
We encourage courage to use imagination and creativity. Cultural education in the wannseeFORUM offers space for an intensive and varied examination of the arts: in doing, perceiving and thinking. In our seminars, young people experience the whole range of creative work alongside experienced artists, from the idea to public presentation. The participants acquire basic artistic skills while making music, on stage or in the photo laboratory. Team spirit, mutual respect and the ability to accept criticism are put to the test here.

New Media
They are no longer new. Digital networking has long permeated our everyday lives and is changing our society. New chances and risks result from co-creation and use. Knowing your way around the jungle of the digital media world and being able to participate there is the goal of many of our seminars and workshops.
We combine the media experiences of the participants with research, discussions and practical media productions on explosive topics and questions of digital participation.

International Encounters
We regularly organize international seminars and youth meetings. Young people from all over the world meet in our house to create artistic projects together.
They experience the arts as a means of transcultural understanding and mutual enrichment. In the joint examination of the respective socio-political topic, the participants encounter unusual perspectives and broaden their horizons.
Seminar Formats
Our seminars are held over several days and include group learning as well as shared leisure activities and overnight accommodation during the seminar week.
This ensures intensive learning processes and experiences.
Most seminars last five days (Monday to Friday), some are longer (e.g. international seminars) or shorter (e.g. at the weekend).
The topics and methods used in the seminars vary depending on the subject area. We organise interdisciplinary learning through artistic, journalistic and practical media activities according to the workshop principle
During school term time, wannseeFORUM cooperates with schools, training centres and organisations providing voluntary services and other independent organisations, and during the holidays with various cooperation partners at local, national or international level.
We are also pleased to develop new seminar formats with co-operation partners in line with our youth education profile.
If you are interested, simply contact the educational team.
For all seminars and seminar participants
- whether in-house projects or guests
the Respect Charter is the basis for good co-operation.
In our seminar formats, we mainly work with the workshop principle.
For the most part, the discussion of the relevant topic takes place in parallel workshop groups of eight to ten participants.
In these small groups, the young people research, discuss and produce together on the main topic from different perspectives.
The workshops are led by experienced artists and media professionals who support the participants in choosing and discussing their own main topics. In an intensive working process, the young people work together to develop ideas, insights and positions and create their own media products that present the perspectives they have gained in a way that others can understand.
At the end of the seminar, these results are presented to the public in a presentation and some are published on the Internet. The range of different media approaches for dealing with the content includes theatre, music, dance, comics, analogue black and white photography, audio, coding and other workshops.

Simone Häckel
Programme Manager Cultural Educationhaeckel (at) wannseeforum.de

Annette Ullrich
Programme Manager New Media
ullrich (at) wannseeforum.de

Marcellina Massenbach
Programme Manager School and Democracy
massenbach (at) wannseeforum.de

Sophia Kimpel
Programme Manager
School and Democracy
kimpel (at) wannseeforum.de

Baris Kurtyilmaz
Programme Manager
(Maternity cover)
School and Democracy
kurtyilmaz (at) wannseeforum.de

Liv Brengelmann
Volunteers until 31.8.24,
brengelmann (at) wannseeforum.de